Am I doing something wrong, or does the "volumetric composition" checkbox in the DeepToImage not work?

The following nodes should have an image containing a constant grey sample with deep.front 0.4 and deep.back 0.6. The colorwheel is at 0.5 (deep.front and back are equal)

In theory I would expect "about half" of the grey volume sample to occlude the colorwheel

However, regardless of the checkbox setting, Nuke only seems to be looking at the deep.front values, and so the colorwheel pops into visibility when it's z value is <0.4)

set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 10.0 v4
ColorWheel {
 inputs 0
 gamma 0.45
DeepFromImage {
 set_z true
 z 0.5
 label "\[value z]"
Constant {
 inputs 0
 color {0.5 0.5 0.5 1}
DeepFromImage {
 set_z true
 z 0.5
 label "\[value z]"
DeepExpression {
 chans1 deep
 deep.front .4
 deep.back .6
 label "front: \[value deep.front]\nback: \[value deep.back]"
DeepMerge {
 inputs 2
DeepSample {
 pos {1028 776}
DeepToImage {

ben dickson
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