On 9/19/06, Tim Hochberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Keith Goodman wrote:
> In what order would you like argsort to sort the values -inf, nan, inf?
Ideally, -inf should sort first, inf should sort last and nan should
raise an exception if present.


That sounds right. Nan can't be compared because, well, it is undefined. For instance:

In [73]: a = arange(2)

In [74]: a/0
Out[74]: array([0, 0])

In [75]: a/0.0
Out[75]: array([              nan,               inf])

In [76]: a/(-0.0)
Out[76]: array([              nan,              -inf])

I.e., 0.0/0.0 is undefined. But unless the hardware generates the exception I would be loath to introduce checks in the code. Putting a check in the innermost loop of the sorts would cost significant time.

But look at the integer division by zero where the IEEE stuff has no relevence. That sure looks like a bug to me.


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