HI Sebastian,

Thanks for the overview! In the value-based casting, what perhaps surprises
me most is that it is done within a kind; it would seem an improvement to
check whether a given integer scalar is exactly representable in a given
float (your example of 1024 in `float16`). If we switch to the python-only
scalar values idea, I would suggest to abandon this. That might make
dealing with things like `Decimal` or `Fraction` easier as well.

All the best,


On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 8:46 PM Sebastian Berg <sebast...@sipsolutions.net>

> Hi all,
> strange, something went wrong sending that email, but in any case...
> I tried to "summarize" the current behaviour of promotion and value
> based promotion in numpy (correcting a small error in what I wrote
> earlier). Since it got a bit long, you can find it here (also copy
> pasted at the end):
> https://hackmd.io/NF7Jz3ngRVCIQLU6IZrufA
> Allan's document which I link in there is also very interesting. One
> thing I had not really thought about before was the problem of
> commutativity.
> I do not have any specific points I want to discuss based on it (but
> those are likely to come up again later).
> All the Best,
> Sebastian
> -----------------------------
> PS: Below a copy of what I wrote:
> ---
> title: Numpy Value Based Promotion Rules
> author: Sebastian Berg
> ---
> NumPy Value Based Scalar Casting and Promotion
> ==============================================
> This document reviews some of the behaviours of the promotion rules
> within numpy. This is especially with respect to the promotion of
> scalars and 0D arrays which inspect the value to decide casting and
> promotion.
> Other documents discussing these things:
>   * `from numpy.testing import print_coercion_tables` prints the
> current promotion tables including value based promotion for small
> positive/negative scalars.
>   * Allan Haldane's thoughts on changing casting/promotion to be more
> C-like and discussing things such as here:
>     https://gist.github.com/ahaldane/0f5ade49730e1a5d16ff6df4303f2e76
>   * Discussion around the problem of uint64 and int64 being promoted to
> float64: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/12525 (lists many
> related issues).
> Nomenclature and Defintions
> ---------------------------
> * **dtype/type**: The data type of an array or scalar: `float32`,
> `float64`, `int8`, …
> * **Category**: A category to which the data type belongs, in this
> context these are:
>   1. boolean
>   2. integer (unsigned and signed are not split up here, but are
> different "kinds")
>   3. floating point and complex (not split up here but are different
> "kinds")
>   5. All others
> * **Casting**: converting from one dtype to another. There are four
> different rules of casting:
>   1. *"safe"* casting: All values are representable in the new data
> type. I.e. no information is lost during the conversion.
>   2. *"same kind"* casting: data loss may occur, but only within the
> same "kind". For example a float64 can be converted to float32 using
> "same kind" rules, an int64 can be converted to int16. This is although
> both lose precision or even produce incorrect values. Note that "kind"
> is different from "category" in that it distinguishes between signed
> and unsigned integers.
>   4. *"unsafe"* casting: Any conversion which can be defined, e.g.
> floating point to integer. For promotion this is fairly unimportant.
> (Some conversions such as string to integer, which not even work fall
> in this category, but could also be called coercions or conversions.)
> * **Promotion**: The general process of finding a new dtype for
> multiple input dtypes. Will be used here to also denote any kind of
> casting/promotion done before a specific function is called. This can
> be more complex, because in rare cases a functions can for example take
> floating point numbers and integers as input at the same time (i.e.
> `np.ldexp`).
> * **Common dtype**: A dtype which can represent all input data. In
> general this means that all inputs can be safely cast to this dtype.
> Within numpy this is the normal and simplest form of promotion.
> * **`type1, type2 -> type3`**: Defines a promotion or signature. For
> example adding two integers: `np.int32(5) + np.int32(3)` gives
> `np.int32(8)`. The dtype signature for that example would be: `int32,
> int32 -> int32`. A short form for this is also `ii->i` using C-like
> type codes, this can be found for example in `np.ldexp.types` (and any
> numpy ufunc).
> * **Scalar**: A numpy or python scalar or a **0-D array**. It is
> important to remember that zero dimensional arrays are treated just
> like scalars with respect to casting and promotion.
> Current Situation in Numpy
> --------------------------
> The current situation can be understand mostly in terms of safe casting
> which is defined based on the type hierarchy and is sensitive to values
> for scalars.
> This safe casting based approach is in contrast for example to
> promotion within C or Julia, which work based on category first. For
> example `int32` cannot be safely cast to `float32`, but C or Julia will
> use `int32, float32 -> float32` as the common type/promotion rule for
> example to decide on the output dtype for addition.
> ### Python Integers and Floats
> Note that python integers are handled exactly like numpy ones. They
> are, however, special in that they do not have a dtype associated with
> them explicitly. Value based logic, as described here, seems useful for
> python integers and floats to allow:
> ```
> arr = np.arange(10, dtype=np.int8)
> arr += 1
> # or:
> res = arr + 1
> res.dtype == np.int8
> ```
> which ensures that no upcast (for example with higher memory usage)
> occurs.
> ### Safe Casting
> Most safe casting is clearly defined based on whether or not any
> possible value is representable in the ouput dtype. Within numpy there
> is currently a single exception to this rule: `np.can_cast(np.int64,
> np.float64, casting="safe")` is considered to be true although float64
> cannot represent some large integer values exactly. In contrast,
> `np.can_cast(np.int32, np.float32, casting="safe")` is `False` and
> `np.float64` would have to be used if a "safe" cast is desired.
> This exception may be one thing that should be changed, however,
> concurrently the promotion rules have to be adapted to keep doing the
> same thing, or a larger behaviour change decided.
> #### Scalar based rules
> Unlike arrays, where inspection of all values is not feasable, for
> scalars (and 0-D arrays) the value is inspected. The casting becomes a
> two step process:
>   1. The minimal dtype capable of holding the value is found.
>   2. The normal casting rules are applied to the new dtype.
> The first step uses the following rules by finding the minimal dtype
> within its category:
>  * Boolean: Dtype is already minimal
>  * Integers:
>     Casting is possible if output can hold the value. This includes
> uint8(127) casting to an int8.
>  * Floats and Complex
>     Scalars can be demoted based on value, roughly this avoids
> overflows:
>     ```
>     float16:     -65000 < value < 65000
>     float32:    -3.4e38 < value < 3.4e38
>     float64:   -1.7e308 < value < 1.7e308
>     float128 (largest type, does not apply).
>     ```
>     For complex, the logic is simply applied to both real and imaginary
> part. Complex numbers cannot be downcast to floating point.
>  * Others: Dtype is not modified.
> This two step process means that `np.can_cast(np.int16(1024),
> np.float16)` is `False` even though float16 is capable of exactly
> representing the value 1024, since value based "demotion" to a lower
> dtype is used only within each category.
> ### Common Type Promotion
> For most operations in numpy the output type is just the common type of
> the inputs, this holds for example for concatenation, as well as almost
> all math funcions (e.g. addition and multiplication have two identical
> inputs and need one ouput dtype). This operation is exposed as
> `np.result_type` which includes value based logic, and
> `np.promote_types` which only accepts dtypes as input.
> Normal type promotion without value based/scalar logic finds the
> smallest type which both inputs can cast to safely. This will be the
> largest "kind" (bool < unsigned < integer < float < complex < other).
> Note that type promotion is handled in a "reduce" manner from left to
> right. In rare cases this means it is not associatetive: `float32,
> uint16, int16 -> float32`, but `float32, (uint16, int16) -> float64`.
> #### Scalar based rule
> When there is a mix of scalars and arrays, numpy will usually allow the
> scalars to be handled in the same fashion as for "safe" casting rules.
> The rules are as follows:
> 1. Value based logic is only applied if the "category" of any array is
> larger or equal to the category of all scalars. If this is not the
> case, the typical rules are used.
>     * Specifically, this means: `np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.uint8) +
> np.float64(12.)` gives a `float64` result, because the
> `np.float64(12.)` is not considered for being demoted.
> 2. Promotion is applied as normally, however, instead of the original
> dtype, the minimal dtype is used. In the case where the minimal data
> type is unsigned (say uint8) but the value is small enough, the minimal
> type may in fact be either `uint8` or `int8` (127 can be both). This
> promotion is also applied in pairs (reduction-like) from left to right.
> ### General Promotion during Function Execution
> General functions (read "ufuncs" such as `np.add`) may have a specific
> dtype signature which is (for most dtypes) stored e.g. as
> `np.add.types`. For many of these functions the common type promotion
> is used unchanged.
> However, some functions will employ a slightly different method (which
> should be equivalent in most cases). They will loop through all loops
> listed in `np.add.types` in order and find the first one to which all
> inputs can be safely cast:
> ```
> np.divide.types = ['ee->e', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', ...]
> ```
> Thus, `np.divide(np.int16(4), np.float16(3)` will refuse the first
> `float16, float16 -> float16` (`'ee->e'`) loop because `int16` cannot
> be cast safely, and then pick the float32 (`'ff->f'`) one.
> For simple functions, which commonly have two identical inputs, this
> should be identical, since normally a clear order exists for the dtypes
> (it does require checking int8 before uint8, etc.).
> #### Scalar based rule
> When scalars are involved, the "safe" cast logic based on values is
> applied *if and only if* rule 1. applies as before: That is there must
> be an array with a higher or equal category as all of the scalars.
> In the above `np.divide` example, this means that
> `np.divide(np.int16(4), np.array([3], dtype=np.float16))` *will* use
> the `'ee->e'` loop, because the scalar `4` is of a lower or equal
> category than the array (integer <= float or complex). While checking,
> 4 is found to be safely castable to float16, since `(u)int8` is
> sufficient to hold 4 and that can be safely cast to `float16`.
> However, `np.divide(np.int16(4), np.int16(3))` would use `float32`
> because both are scalars and thus value based logic is not used (Note
> that in reality numpy forces double output for an all integer input in
> divide).
> In it is possible for ufuncs to have mixed type signatures (this is
> very rare within numy) and arbitrary inputs. In this case, in
> principle, the question is whether or not a clear ordering exists and
> if the rule of using value based logic is always clear. This is rather
> academical (I could not find any such function in numpy or
> `scipy.special` [^scipy-ufuncs]). But consider:
> ```
> imaginary_ufunc.types:
>     int32, float32 -> int32, float32
>     int64, float32 -> int64, float32
>     ...
> ```
> it is not clear that `np.int64(5) + np.float32(3.)` should be able to
> demote the `5`. This is very theoretical of course
> Footnotes
> ---------
> [^scipy-ufuncs]: See for example these functions:
>     ```python
>     import scipy.special
>     for n, func in scipy.special.__dict__.items():
>         if not isinstance(func, np.ufunc):
>             continue
>         if func.nin == 1:
>             # a single input is not interesting
>             continue
>         # check if the signature is not uniform
>         for types in func.types:
>             if len(set(types[:func.nin])) != 1:
>                 break
>         else:
>             continue
>         print(func, func.types)
>     ```
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