Hello, all!

Recently, we added a link to NumPy Tutorials to our main page (

This set of tutorials has been built with the collaboration of a few
contributors, who have put effort and dedication into them. Some of this
content was generated as part of last year's Google Season of Docs program,
with authors kubedoc and Ryan Cooper.

These tutorials are meant to be not only about NumPy, but about using NumPy
to solve concrete problems, which means more flexibility in terms of
content and dependencies for executing them. They are also executable as
Jupyter Notebooks, and contributors can submit their content as notebooks.
This hopefully means a lower barrier of entry for some people, and allows
us to have interactive materials online (with Binder). We also have a
dedicated tutorials section in our main documentation, which should serve a
different purpose (for example, focusing on concepts and operations
specific to NumPy).

The Documentation Team is growing and we would be delighted to have your
help. If you have comments, suggestions for improvements or other content,
please open an issue or PR in the https://github.com/numpy/numpy-tutorials

Special thanks to Ross Barnowski who has also put a lot of work into this
new site.


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