On Mon, 2021-11-15 at 14:28 -0700, Charles R Harris wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 14, 2021 at 4:28 PM Juan Nunez-Iglesias
> <j...@fastmail.com>
> wrote:
> > 


> > https://github.com/jni/skan/blob/74507344b4cd4453cc43b4dbd0b5742fc08eb5a0/.style.yapf
> > 
> > As Stéfan said, fix the knobs (yours might be different), then
> > forget
> > about it!
> > 
> > Oh, and yes, yapf does allow formatting only the diff. I agree that
> > reformatting the entire code base is problematic.
> > 
> > 
> yapf does look like a better alternative than black.

I think we could give try yapf/clang-format a shot.  Frankly, I would
be very happy to just defer most/all of the knob setting and making the
call on adoption to you Chuck :).
(Unless maybe anyone aims for cross-project sharing of these already.)

In the end, I expect we will all quickly get used to the vast majority
of changes.  And projects that adopted auto-formatters seem happy...

clang-format has a couple of knobs we could play around with, e.g.:

    AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign

helps with the `if` issue (but comes at additional indentation costs).
And there are the penalty options, e.g.:

    PenaltyBreakString: 150  # random value

which, if set, seem to allow a few characters beyond the 79 limit if it
saves a line.

There are some places where, IMO, existing line breaks make more sense
than automatic breaks:

    if (npy_parse_arguments("astype", args, len_args, kwnames,
            "dtype", &PyArray_DescrConverter, &dtype,
            "|order", &PyArray_OrderConverter, &order,
            "|casting", &PyArray_CastingConverter, &casting,
            "|subok", &PyArray_PythonPyIntFromInt, &subok,
            "|copy", &PyArray_PythonPyIntFromInt, &forcecopy,
            NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) {

where each parameter starts on its own line, and:

static struct PyMethodDef array_module_methods[] = {

(Less clear, but in that case I really like the uniformity of having
the name on its own line.)

But I guess we could add `\\` to force line breaks, or disable
formatting for those method defs.



> Chuck
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