On 4/7/07, Steve Staneff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm looking for a better solution to managing a very large calculation.
Set A is composed of tuples a, each of the form a = [float, string]; set B
is composed of tuples of similar structure (b = [float, string]).  For
each possible combination of a and b I'm calculating c, of the form c =
f(a,b) = [g(a[0], b[0]), h(a[1], b[1])] where g() and h() are non-trivial

Are you computing with *all* combinations of elements in a and b? I can't
tell from your description. What do the functions g and h look like? What do
the inputs and outputs actually look like? PyTables might be a good way to
manage the data sets, which look like they could be stored as record arrays.

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