2007/5/17, Travis Oliphant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm inclined to move his masked array over to ma wholesale.  The fact
that Pierre sees it as his baby is very important to me.  If it doesn't
have significant compatibility issues than I'm all for it.  I'm mainly
interested in hearing how people actually using numpy.ma would respond.

Perhaps we should move it over and start deprecating numpy.ma??

At the risk of offending Pierre's baby, I think that's a little premature.
Not that maskedarray is not ready for general use on its own, but rather
because subtle compatibility issues with numpy.ma may break matplotlib
functions (I found one, and wouldn't be surprised to find others). Before
removing numpy.ma, I'd like to have some time to run the whole matplotlib
testsuite with maskedarray as the core ma package. Besides that, I'm all for
it, the TimeSeries package is *extremely* useful to me.

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