> Hello there,
> I'm new here, so excuse me if the solution is trivial:
> i have installed ATLAS and LAPACK on my ubuntu 7 dual core intel machine.
> now, when i try to install numpy, it tells me it doesn't find these
> libraries:
> "
> $ python setup.py install
> Running from numpy source directory.
> F2PY Version 2_3816
> blas_opt_info:
> blas_mkl_info:
>   libraries mkl,vml,guide not found in /usr/local/lib
>   libraries mkl,vml,guide not found in /usr/lib
> atlas_blas_threads_info:
>   libraries lapack,blas not found in /usr/local/lib/ATLAS/src/
>   libraries lapack,blas not found in /usr/local/lib/ATLAS
>   libraries lapack,blas not found in /usr/local/lib
>   libraries lapack,blas not found in /usr/lib
> atlas_blas_info:
>   libraries lapack,blas not found in /usr/local/lib/ATLAS/src/
>   libraries lapack,blas not found in /usr/local/lib/ATLAS
>   libraries lapack,blas not found in /usr/local/lib
>   libraries lapack,blas not found in /usr/lib
> ......"
> I have installed ATLAS and lapack with no errors.
> ATLAS is in usr/local/lib/ATLAS/:
> $ ls /usr/local/lib/ATLAS
> bin       doc          interfaces  Make.Linux_UNKNOWNSSE2_2  README  tune
> CONFIG    include      lib         makes                     src
> config.c  INSTALL.txt  Makefile    Make.top                  tst.o
> so, what seems to be the problem?

You haven't actually installed ATLAS. You've just built it. Don't put the source
in /usr/local/lib/ATLAS/. Put that somewhere else, like ~/src/ATLAS/. Follow the
installation instructions in INSTALL.txt. Note this section:

There are two mandatory steps to ATLAS installation (config & build), as
well as three optional steps (test, time, install) and these steps are
described in detail below.  For the impatient, here is the basic outline:
   mkdir my_build_dir ; cd my_build_dir
   /path/to/ATLAS/configure [flags]
   make              ! tune and compile library
   make check        ! perform sanity tests
   make ptcheck      ! checks of threaded code for multiprocessor systems
   make time         ! provide performance summary as % of clock rate
   make install      ! Copy library and include files to other directories

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco
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