Martin Ünsal <martinunsal <at>> writes:

> I was wondering if anyone has thought about accelerating NumPy with a
> GPU. For example nVidia's CUDA SDK provides a feasible way to offload
> vector math onto the very fast SIMD processors available on the GPU.
> Currently GPUs primarily support single precision floats and are not
> IEEE compliant, but still could be useful for some applications.
> If there turns out to be a significant speedup over using the CPU, this
> could be a very accessible way to do scientific and numerical
> computation using GPUs, much easier than coding directly to the GPU APIs.
> Martin

I've thought about this too and think that it's a great idea. The existing
library Brook, which has a similar programming model to NumPy, proves that it's
feasible.  And Brook was originally done with OpenGL & DirectX as backends to
access the hardware.  Needless to say, that's a lot harder than using CUDA. 
Since it hasn't already been pointed out, CUDA includes the cuBLAS and cuFFT
libraries.  I don't what the status of a LAPACK built on top of the cuBLAS is,
but I'd be surprised if someone isn't already working on it.  Also, NVIDIA has
stated that double-precision hardware will be available later this year, in case
that's an issue for anyone.

I agree very much that it would make the GPUs more accessible, although CUDA has
done an amazing job at that already.  I think the most helpful thing about this
would be if it allowed us to code using the existing array interface from NumPy
in a way that the code automatically runs on the GPU in an optimized way - using
shared memory + avoiding bank conflicts.

I'd happily contribute to such a project if someone else got it started.

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