When Visual Studio 2008 will be used, there might be a way of using the
manifest files (that were created for a similar purpose).
For the moment, All I know is that you must put the dll in the
Windows/system32 folder or somewhere in the PATH.


2008/2/15, David Cournapeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>     My head hurt trying to understand dll management with windows. I
> wanted to find a sane way to use dll for numscons, but I can't see how
> to do this, so I was wondering if anyone on this ML had any deep
> knowledge on how to install dll, and reuse them with python extensions ?
> The problem is the following:
>     - you have some dll (say MKL) in a path (say C:\program files\MKL).
>     - how do you tell another dll (more exactly a python extension, a
> .pyd) to look for mkl dll into the MKL path ?
> It seems that there is no rpath-like capability on windows, and the only
> way to load dll is to put them into some windows directory, or to put
> the dll path into PATH. Is it really the only way ?
> cheers,
> David
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