Albert Strasheim wrote:
> Have you tried installing the DLLs to C:\Python2x or to the same
> directory as the numpy .pyd? As far as I know, this should work.

Yes, it does, I think I tried it. But this mean duplicating dll, and 
more worrying, filesystem manipulations, which I don't like much 
(windows having this extremely annoying 'feature' of locking files by 
default, which is another thing I would have to care about).
> Obviously there are some issues: multiple modules might be linked to
> MKL, in which case you would be duplicating a lot of files, but hey,
> so it goes. Ideally, all the modules should be using one module to
> interact with native BLAS and LAPACK.
> In my opinion, modifying the PATH or installing to System32 are not
> ways to properly deploy DLLs on Windows.

I agree, but once you've said modifying PATH and system32 are not the 
right way, and there is no other way to do it, what's your conclusion :)


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