2008/4/18, Olivier Verdier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I certainly didn't mean that "A==B" should return a boolean!!
> "A==B" should return an array of boolean as it does now. This is all
> right.
> *However* "bool(A==B)" should return a boolean, *not* raise an
> exception. Why raise an exception? What is ambiguous about
> "bool(A==B)"??
> This is what happens when you write "if A==B" because then
> "bool(A==B)" is somehow triggered and bang, an exception is raised.
> As I tried to explain, the default behaviour should be that "bool(A)"
> return "A.all()" but not an exception. Why is there an exception
> raising at all?

Sometimes, you want .all(), sometimes .any(). It really depends on the
question you are asking. Even for bool(A), there is no easy answer. In some
case I want True if some elements are true, in other cases only if all
elements are true.
I would agree with you some years ago, but after using bool(A) = A.all(), I
started noticing that it brakes my coding instead of speeding it and does
not give me any benefit at all.

French PhD student
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