Thanks, Robert. Indeed, numpy 1.0.4 does some "monkeypatching" (see the 
below). Interestingly, 1.0.3 did not, so I'm hoping that 1.0.5 may not also.
(I'd rather stay with released version, since I distribute my code to 
and cannot impose too many conditions on them.)

In the meantime I'll get
the numpy include directory information some other way in my I will
also investigate if gcc could be smarter about enabling vectorization (perhaps
in a version newer than 4.0.1?), and let you know.




Python 2.5.1 (r251:54869, Apr 18 2007, 22:08:04) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple
Computer, Inc. build 5367)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits"
or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> old = set(sys.modules)

>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.get_include()

>>> new = set(sys.modules)
>>> [x for x in (new - old) if 'distutils' in
['numpy.distutils.misc_util', 'distutils', '', 
'distutils.dep_util', 'numpy.distutils.ccompiler', 'distutils.types', 
'numpy.distutils.tempfile', '', '', 
'distutils.log', 'distutils.copy', 'distutils.version', 'numpy.distutils',
'distutils.sysconfig', 'numpy.distutils.curses', 'numpy.distutils.copy', 
'numpy.distutils.__version__', 'distutils.os', 'distutils.ccompiler', 
'distutils.spawn', 'distutils.sys', 'distutils.dir_util', 
'distutils.util', 'distutils.string', '', 
'numpy.distutils.__config__', 'distutils.distutils', 'distutils.unixccompiler',
'numpy.distutils.log', 'numpy.distutils.os', 'numpy.distutils.glob', 
'distutils.errors', 'distutils.file_util']

--- Discussion of Numerical
Python < wrote:
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:17 AM,
Michele Vallisneri
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm writing
a standard distutils to compile a Python C
> > extension on OS X
10.4, and I need to specify a few special compiler
> > options to enable
vector CPU extension (altivec and SSE on i686 and
> > PPC respectively).
This compromises the generation of universal
> > binaries, because these
options are CPU-specific, and cannot be
> > passed to gcc together with "-arch
ppc -arch i386".
> >
> > I'm happy with generating a nonuniversal extension,
which I can do
> > (at least with distutils 2.4.4) by specifying an extra
"-arch i386"
> > compiler option. Distutils has some Darwin-specific code
that catches
> > that, and takes out the "-arch ppc" option that would be
there by
> > default.
> >
> > All well, but then in my I also
import numpy (to find out
> > where its C includes are). If I do that, the
behavior of distutils
> > changes, and the "-arch ppc" option is not taken
out, so compilation
> > fails again.
> >
> > So I have questions:
> >

> > - Is this an acceptable behavior for numpy to have?
> No. We've
seen this before, and I thought we fixed it, but perhaps
> not. numpy.distutils
does monkeypatch distutils, but you shouldn't get
> that unless if you import
> > Should it modify
> > other modules? I understand
that there is a numpy.distutils, but
> > shouldn't I have a choice to use
it explicitly, and get the old
> > distutils behavior by using that namespace?

> Yes, you should be able to avoid this by avoiding importing
> numpy.distutils.
However, I don't see why you are getting this. Just
> importing numpy and
calling numpy.get_include() does not bring in
> numpy.distutils, at least
not with the SVN version of numpy (the 1.1.x
> branch rather than the 1.2.x
> >>> import sys
> >>> old = set(sys.modules)
> >>> import
> >>> numpy.get_include()
> '/Users/rkern/svn/numpy/numpy/core/include'

> >>> new = set(sys.modules)
> >>> [x for x in (new - old) if 'distutils'
in x]
> []
> >>>
> You might try something similar at the top of your script to
> see if 1.0.4 does something different.
> > - Is
there a way to avoid or disable this interference?
> Possibly upgrade
to the 1.1.x branch. Check it out from here:

> > - Finally, is there a way to compile universal binaries with CPU-

> > specific options?
> Not to my knowledge, no. There might be a gcc
option to use in
> extra_compile_args, but you will have to check the man
page for it. If
> you find one, please post it, since I am interested in
having such a
> capability myself.
> -- 
> Robert Kern
> "I have
come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
> enigma that
is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
> though it had
an underlying truth."
>  -- Umberto Eco
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