On Monday 14 July 2008 21:56:47 Robert Kern wrote:
> > Oh, with dtype.names and dtype.fields I can work. The Guide mentions a
> > key [-1] in dtype.fields that should store the names in order: that would
> > be quite useful but it doesn't work (KeyError).
> Where do you see this mention?

Page 116 of my version (once again, 07/17/2006)
An ordered (by offset) list of field names is also stored in the fields 
dictionary under the key -1. This can be used to walk through all of the 
named fields in offset order. Notice that the defined fields do not have 
to “cover” the record, but the itemsize of the container data-type object 
must always be at least as large as the itemsizes of the data-type objects in 
the defined fields.
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