On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Charles R Harris
> OK, the only other change since 1.1.0 is using
> np.x in the doctests, which doesn't look like a big problem. I wonder what
> the status of that is in 1.1.x? Alan?

All the changes I made for that were in the trunk after 1.1.1 was
tagged, so the 1.1.1 test behavior should be completely under the old
framework's rules.  I could probably backport the np.x context to
rundocs() (off the top of my head I can't remember if there was any
mechanism to run all the doctests in NumPy), but it might just be
easier to add "import numpy as np" to the modules containing doctests
that use np.x.  I can help with that if need be, just let me know.
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