> So the timing raises a lot. For obvious reasons, that's the overhead
> of the profiler. But the problem is that then the timings just don't
> fit, e.g. if I sum the total time spent in subfunctions, it doesn't
> account for all the time printed on the respective line in the parent
> function.
> I don't know if there is any way to fix it, or even worth fixing. So I
> guess one should just use the profiling info to determine which line
> to fix.
> Do you think it's worthy to implement line profiling for all lines and
> then make sure that all timings match? What is your experience.

The reason I want this is so that I can determine just by looking at
the timing how much time is spent at the line and how much time is
spent at the functions that are being called at the line.

I think it is doable, what do you think? One would trace how much time
was wasted in python_trace_callback and then just substract this time
from all parent function's lines timings.

Btw Robin,  how is Matlab doing it?

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