On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:41 PM, David Cournapeau <

> Anne Archibald wrote:
> >
> > I, on the other hand, was making specifically that suggestion: users
> > should not use nans to indicate missing values. Users should use
> > masked arrays to indicate missing values.
> I agree it is the nicest solution in theory, but I think it is
> impractical (as mentioned by Eric Firing in his email).
> >
> > This part I pretty much agree with.
> I can't really see which one is better (failing or returning NaN for
> sort/min/max and their sort counterpat), or if we should let the choice
> be left to the user. I am fine with both, and they both require the same
> amount of work.
> >  Or we can make them behave drastically differently.
> > Masked arrays clearly need to be able to handle masked values flexibly
> > and explicitly. So I think nans should be handled simply and
> > conservatively: propagate them if possible, raise if not.
> I agree about this behavior being the default. I just think that for a
> couple of functions, we could we give either separate functions, or
> additional arguments to existing functions to ignore them: I am thinking
> about min/max/sort and their arg* counterpart, because those are really
> basic, and because we already have nanmean/nanstd/nanmedian (e.g. having
> a nansort would help for nanmean to be much faster).

I would be happy to implement nan sorts if someone can provide me with a
portable and easy way to detect nans for single, double, and long double
floats. And not have it fail if the architecture doesn't support nans. I
think getting all the needed nan detection and setup in place is the first
step for anything else.

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