
You can estimate the intercept and slope using least-squares
(scipy.optimize.leastsq). Make sure though that errors in X are small
compared to errors in Y, otherwise, your slope will be underestimated.

Using the slope, you can write a function lower(b,a, X,Y) that will compute
y=aX+b and return True if Y < y. Computing the ratio of true elements will
give you the percentage of points below the curve. You can then find b such
that the ratio is .5 and .95 using scipy.optimize.fmin.

There are other ways to do this;

Make a 2D histogram of the data (normed), compute the cumulative sum along Y
and find the histogram bins (along x) such that the cumulative histogram is
approximately equal to .5 and .95.

Partition the data in N sets along the x-axis, fit a normal distribution to
each set and compute the quantile corresponding to .5 and .95 cumulative
probability density.


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those that are signed. Call it mailing list etiquette.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 5:06 AM, bevan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have some XY data.  I would like to generate the equations for an upper
> and
> lower envelope that excludes a percentage of the data points.
> I would like to define the slope of the envelope line (say 3) and then have
> my
> code find the intercept that fits my requirements (say 5% of data below the
> lower envelope).  This would then give me the equation and I could plot the
> upper and lower envelopes.
> I hope this makes sense.  Thanks for any help.
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