You'll probably remember that last December, I started rewriting  
np.loadtxt and ame up with a series of functions that support missing  
data. I tried to copy/paste the code in but ran into  
dependency problems and left it at that. I think that part of the  
reason is that the code relies on which can't be loaded when  
numpy.lib gets loaded.

As I needed a way to grant access to the code to anybody, I created a  
small project on launchpad: you can access it to:

The loadtxt reimplementation functions can be found in the module, their unittest in the corresponding test  
directory. In addition, you'll find several other functions and their  
unittest to manipulate arrays w/ flexible data-type. They are  
basically rewritten version of some functions in matplotlib.mlab.

Would anybody be willing to try inserting the new functions in numpy ?  
I was hoping the genfromtxt and consorts would make it to numpy 1.3.x  
(I'd need the code for the scikits.timeseries package).

As usual, I'd need all the feedback you can share.

Thanks a lot in advance.
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