On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Ralph Kube <ralphk...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have a little problem here with array indexing, hope you see the problem.
> I use the following loop to calculate some integrals
> import numpy as N
> from scipy.integrate import quad
> T = 1
> dt = 0.005
> L = 3
> n = 2
> ints = N.zeros([T/dt])
> for t in N.arange(0, T, dt):
>     a = quad(lambda
> x:-1*(1-4*(t**4))*N.exp(-t**4)*N.exp(-x**2)*N.cos(n*N.pi*(x-L)/(2*L)),
> -L, L)[0]
>     ints[int(t/dt)] = a
>     print t, N.int32(t/dt), t/dt, a, ints[int(t/dt)]
> The output from the print statement looks like:
> 0.14 28 28.0 2.52124867251e-16 2.52124867251e-16
> 0.145 28 29.0 2.03015199575e-16 2.03015199575e-16
> 0.15 30 30.0 2.40857836418e-16 2.40857836418e-16
> 0.155 31 31.0 2.52191011339e-16 2.52191011339e-16
> The same happens on the ipython prompt:
> 0.145 * 0.005 = 28.999999999999996
> N.int32(0.145 * 0.005) = 28
> Any ideas how to deal with this?

I'm assuming you mean 0.145 / 0.005 = 28.999999999999996

When you cast to an integer, it *truncates* the fractional part, and life
with floating point says that what should be an exact result won't
necessarily be exact.  Try using N.around.


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
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