this is true. but not nearly as good of a learning experience :)

I'm a mechanical engineer, so all of this computer science stuff is really
new and interesting to me. So i'm trying my best to get a handle on exactly
what is going on behind the scenes.


On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 12:36 PM, David Cournapeau <> wrote:

> Chris Colbert wrote:
> > forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't installing atlas from the
> > repositories defeat the purpose of installing atlas at all, since the
> > build process optimizes it to your own cpu timings?
> Yes and no. Yes, it will be slower than a cutom-build atlas, but it will
> be reasonably faster than blas/lapack. Please also keep in mind that
> this mostly matters for linear algebra and big matrices.
> Thinking from another POV: how many 1000x1000 matrices could have you
> inverted while wasting your time on this already :)
> cheers,
> David
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