
I am pleased to announce the release of the rc2 for numpy 1.3.0. I have
decided to go for a rc2 instead of the release directly because of the
serious mac os X issue. You can find source tarballs and installers for
both Mac OS X and Windows on the sourceforge page:


The release note for the 1.3.0 release are below,

the numpy developers.

NumPy 1.3.0 Release Notes

This minor includes numerous bug fixes, official python 2.6 support, and
several new features such as generalized ufuncs.


Python 2.6 support

Python 2.6 is now supported on all previously supported platforms, including


Generalized ufuncs

There is a general need for looping over not only functions on scalars
but also
over functions on vectors (or arrays), as explained on
http://scipy.org/scipy/numpy/wiki/GeneralLoopingFunctions. We propose to
realize this concept by generalizing the universal functions (ufuncs), and
provide a C implementation that adds ~500 lines to the numpy code base. In
current (specialized) ufuncs, the elementary function is limited to
element-by-element operations, whereas the generalized version supports
"sub-array" by "sub-array" operations. The Perl vector library PDL
provides a
similar functionality and its terms are re-used in the following.

Each generalized ufunc has information associated with it that states
what the
"core" dimensionality of the inputs is, as well as the corresponding
dimensionality of the outputs (the element-wise ufuncs have zero core
dimensions). The list of the core dimensions for all arguments is called the
"signature" of a ufunc. For example, the ufunc numpy.add has signature
"(),()->()" defining two scalar inputs and one scalar output.

Another example is (see the GeneralLoopingFunctions page) the function
inner1d(a,b) with a signature of "(i),(i)->()". This applies the inner
along the last axis of each input, but keeps the remaining indices
intact. For
example, where a is of shape (3,5,N) and b is of shape (5,N), this will
an output of shape (3,5). The underlying elementary function is called 3*5
times. In the signature, we specify one core dimension "(i)" for each
input and
zero core dimensions "()" for the output, since it takes two 1-d arrays and
returns a scalar. By using the same name "i", we specify that the two
corresponding dimensions should be of the same size (or one of them is
of size
1 and will be broadcasted).

The dimensions beyond the core dimensions are called "loop" dimensions.
In the
above example, this corresponds to (3,5).

The usual numpy "broadcasting" rules apply, where the signature
determines how
the dimensions of each input/output object are split into core and loop

While an input array has a smaller dimensionality than the corresponding
of core dimensions, 1's are pre-pended to its shape.  The core
dimensions are
removed from all inputs and the remaining dimensions are broadcasted;
the loop dimensions.  The output is given by the loop dimensions plus the
output core dimensions.

Experimental Windows 64 bits support

Numpy can now be built on windows 64 bits (amd64 only, not IA64), with
both MS
compilers and mingw-w64 compilers:

This is *highly experimental*: DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION USE. See
Windows 64 bits section for more information on limitations and how to
build it
by yourself.

New features

Formatting issues

Float formatting is now handled by numpy instead of the C runtime: this
locale independent formatting, more robust fromstring and related methods.
Special values (inf and nan) are also more consistent across platforms
(nan vs
IND/NaN, etc...), and more consistent with recent python formatting work (in
2.6 and later).

Nan handling in max/min

The maximum/minimum ufuncs now reliably propagate nans. If one of the
arguments is a nan, then nan is retured. This affects np.min/np.max,
and the array methods max/min. New ufuncs fmax and fmin have been added
to deal
with non-propagating nans.

Nan handling in sign

The ufunc sign now returns nan for the sign of anan.

New ufuncs

#. fmax - same as maximum for integer types and non-nan floats. Returns the
   non-nan argument if one argument is nan and returns nan if both arguments
   are nan.
#. fmin - same as minimum for integer types and non-nan floats. Returns the
   non-nan argument if one argument is nan and returns nan if both arguments
   are nan.
#. deg2rad - converts degrees to radians, same as the radians ufunc.
#. rad2deg - converts radians to degrees, same as the degrees ufunc.
#. log2 - base 2 logarithm.
#. exp2 - base 2 exponential.
#. trunc - truncate floats to nearest integer towards zero.
#. logaddexp - add numbers stored as logarithms and return the logarithm
   of the result.
#. logaddexp2 - add numbers stored as base 2 logarithms and return the
base 2
   logarithm of the result result.

Masked arrays

Several new features and bug fixes, including:

    * structured arrays should now be fully supported by MaskedArray
      (r6463, r6324, r6305, r6300, r6294...)
    * Minor bug fixes (r6356, r6352, r6335, r6299, r6298)
    * Improved support for __iter__ (r6326)
    * made baseclass, sharedmask and hardmask accesible to the user (but
    * doc update

gfortran support on windows

Gfortran can now be used as a fortran compiler for numpy on windows,
even when
the C compiler is Visual Studio (VS 2005 and above; VS 2003 will NOT work).
Gfortran + Visual studio does not work on windows 64 bits (but gcc +
does). It is unclear whether it will be possible to use gfortran and visual
studio at all on x64.

Arch option for windows binary

Automatic arch detection can now be bypassed from the command line for
the superpack installed:

    numpy-1.3.0-superpack-win32.exe /arch=nosse

will install a numpy which works on any x86, even if the running computer
supports SSE set.

Deprecated features


The semantics of histogram has been modified to fix long-standing issues
with outliers handling. The main changes concern

#. the definition of the bin edges, now including the rightmost edge, and
#. the handling of upper outliers, now ignored rather than tallied in the
   rightmost bin.

The previous behavior is still accessible using `new=False`, but this is
deprecated, and will be removed entirely in 1.4.0.

Documentation changes

A lot of documentation has been added. Both user guide and references can be
built from sphinx.


Multiarray API

The following functions have been added to the multiarray C API:

    * PyArray_GetEndianness: to get runtime endianness

Ufunc API

The following functions have been added to the ufunc API:

    * PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature: to declare a more general ufunc
      (generalized ufunc).

New defines

New public C defines are available for ARCH specific code through

    * NPY_CPU_X86: x86 arch (32 bits)
        * NPY_CPU_AMD64: amd64 arch (x86_64, NOT Itanium)
        * NPY_CPU_PPC: 32 bits ppc
        * NPY_CPU_PPC64: 64 bits ppc
        * NPY_CPU_SPARC: 32 bits sparc
        * NPY_CPU_SPARC64: 64 bits sparc
        * NPY_CPU_S390: S390
        * NPY_CPU_IA64: ia64

New macros for CPU endianness has been added as well (see internal changes
below for details):

    * NPY_BYTE_ORDER: integer

Those provide portable alternatives to glibc endian.h macros for platforms
without it.

Portable NAN, INFINITY, etc...

npy_math.h now makes available several portable macro to get NAN, INFINITY:

        * NPY_NAN: equivalent to NAN, which is a GNU extension
        * NPY_INFINITY: equivalent to C99 INFINITY
        * NPY_PZERO, NPY_NZERO: positive and negative zero respectively

Corresponding single and extended precision macros are available as
well. All
references to NAN, or home-grown computation of NAN on the fly have been
removed for consistency.

Internal changes

numpy.core math configuration revamp

This should make the porting to new platforms easier, and more robust. In
particular, the configuration stage does not need to execute any code on the
target platform, which is a first step toward cross-compilation.


umath refactor

A lot of code cleanup for umath/ufunc code (charris).

Improvements to build warnings

Numpy can now build with -W -Wall without warnings


Separate core math library

The core math functions (sin, cos, etc... for basic C types) have been
put into
a separate library; it acts as a compatibility layer, to support most
C99 maths
functions (real only for now). The library includes platform-specific
fixes for
various maths functions, such as using those versions should be more robust
than using your platform functions directly. The API for existing
functions is
exactly the same as the C99 math functions API; the only difference is
the npy
prefix (npy_cos vs cos).

The core library will be made available to any extension in 1.4.0.

CPU arch detection

npy_cpu.h defines numpy specific CPU defines, such as NPY_CPU_X86, etc...
Those are portable across OS and toolchains, and set up when the header is
parsed, so that they can be safely used even in the case of
(the values is not set when numpy is built), or for multi-arch binaries
fat binaries on Max OS X).

npy_endian.h defines numpy specific endianness defines, modeled on the glibc
endian.h. NPY_BYTE_ORDER  is equivalent to BYTE_ORDER, and one of
NPY_LITTLE_ENDIAN or NPY_BIG_ENDIAN is defined. As for CPU archs, those
are set
when the header is parsed by the compiler, and as such can be used for
cross-compilation and multi-arch binaries.


55a2d2c9ba056133f61ad70e6445d2f9  release/installers/numpy-1.3.0rc2.tar.gz
ea88cd161ac8b267bd85419dddde40a5  release/installers/numpy-1.3.0rc2.zip
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