On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Christopher Barker
<chris.bar...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> David Cournapeau wrote:
>> I don't think git-svn work well
>> or at all on windows.
> This brings up a key issue for Python: git does not support Windows very
> well -- which makes sense, given its history with Linux kernel development.
> I personally use SVN primarily form the command line on all systems,
> though Tortoise is very nice on Windows. It looks like there is indeed a
> TortoiseGit -- anyone know hoe complete/stable it is?
> Anyway, the multi-platform and multiple tools support of SVN is amazing,
> and this is a big deal -- we're really better off with a system with
> good tool support on all platforms.

Why ? We are not python, where many core developers work on windows.
The git command line works well on windows (same as on other systems),
I used it while testing things for numpy 1.3.0 (locally, though
because of the git-svn issue).

There will always be arguments for svn being more supported, but
doesn't this sounds like matlab vs numpy/scipy ? There will always be
people who will find the  scipy stack not good, not integrated - but
still, we use numpy/scipy. git is not better than svn in every way,
but at least to me, the question is more "is git better than svn
overall", and whether a majority of contributors would agree on the
answer being the affirmative.


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