I tried looking at your question but ... kind of unusable  without some

You need to give at least the following information:
what kind of optimization problem?
LP,NLP, Mixed Integer LP, Stochastic, semiinfinite, semidefinite?

Most solvers require the problem in the following form

min_x f(x)
subject to g(x)<=0
                 h(x) = 0

In your case that would mean: g(x) = g(x,f(x)).

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Mathew Yeates <myea...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to solve an optimization problem where the search domain is
> limited. Suppose I want to minimize the function f(x,y) but f(x,y) is
> only valid over a subset (unknown without calling f) of (x,y)?
> I tried looking at OpenOpt but ... kind of unusable  without some
> documentation.
> Thanks
> Mathew
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