I got stung when taking an ordinary python integer to the power of a numpy
integer - the result wasn't what I was expecting (see below)!

Taking a wild guess I expect this is due to integer overflow (since it doesn't
show up with int64). When working with an int32 type one has to be aware of such
issues and I'm guessing the casting behaviour is a design decision, nevertheless
I thought I'd post to make others aware of such considerations.


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In [2]: import numpy as np

In [3]: np.__version__
Out[3]: '1.4.0.dev7056'

In [4]: 10**-10
Out[4]: 1e-010

In [5]: 10**np.float32(-10)
Out[5]: 1e-010

In [6]: 10**np.int32(-10)
Out[6]: 7.0918695992859933e-010 ????????????????????????????????????

In [7]: 10**np.int32(-1)
Out[7]: 0.10000000000000001

In [8]: 10**np.int32(-2)
Out[8]: 0.01

In [9]: 10**np.int32(-3)
Out[9]: 0.001

In [10]: 10**np.int32(-4)
Out[10]: 0.0001

In [11]: 10**np.int32(-5)
Out[11]: 1.0000000000000001e-005

In [12]: 10**np.int32(-6)
Out[12]: 9.9999999999999995e-007

In [13]: 10**np.int32(-7)
Out[13]: 9.9999999999999995e-008

In [14]: 10**np.int32(-8)
Out[14]: 1e-008

In [15]: 10**np.int32(-9)
Out[15]: 1.0000000000000001e-009

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