to, 2009-10-01 kello 12:19 -0400, Ralf Gommers kirjoitti: 
> Sorry to ask again, but it would really be very useful to get those
> docstrings merged for both scipy and numpy.

Numpy's new docstrings is are now in SVN too, for the most part. An
amazing amount of work was done during the summer, thanks to all who
> For numpy in principle the same procedure, except there are some
> objects that need the add_newdocs treatment. There are two types of
> errors, my question is (mainly to Pauli) if they both need the same
> treatment or a different one.
> Errors:
> 1. source location not known, like: 
> ERROR: source location for docstring is not known
> 2. source location known but failed to find a place to add docstrings,
> like: 
> ERROR: Source location for numpy.lib.function_base.iterable known,
> but failed to find a place for the docstring 

These I didn't commit yet. Mostly, they can be fixed by adding necessary
entries to However, some of these may be objects
assigning docstrings to which may be technically difficult and requires
larger changes. The second error may also indicate a bug in patch

Pauli Virtanen 

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