On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 7:07 PM, <rkdeli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> An application package that I have requires Python 2.6 and NumPy.
> I've installed Python 2.6 in a parallel manner as follows:
> NO modification of the core Python2.4 in /usr/bin has been done. Rather, I
> installed Python 2.6 under /opt/Python_2.6.4 and modified my user (not root)
> environment variables appropriately. The directory /opt/Python_2.6.4 was
> modified with chown to give me rwx access.
> To install NumPy, I've downloaded the latest .tgz sources (v1.3.0) to
> build. When I attempt to configure/build I receive various errors related to
> blas and lapack. The NumPy configuration is searching /usr/lib, /usr/lib64,
> /usr/local/lib, and /usr/local/lib64 for various blas, lapack, and atlas
> libraries. Within /usr/lib64 I do find a few lapack and blas and lapack
> libraries installed (libblas.so.3.1.1 and liblapack.so.3.1.1), but configure
> is not finding them. No atlas libraries are found, but my understanding is
> that these are deprecated anyway.
> As an alternative, I tried to install NumPy using the standard Python 2.4.3
> using yum install NumPy but I receive an error saying that NumPy is
> obsoleted by PyNumeric. What?? PyNumeric is the precursor to NumPy. So even
> in the most basic instance, I cannot install NumPy because a deprecated
> library is seen as higher priority? Even given the generally out of date
> nature of CentOS this is unrealistic.
> Finally, I could try to build blas and lapack myself, but this seems to
> border on insanity.
> Any help is appreciated.
> -Kirk

I had success installing NumPy 1.3 to two of our RHEL 5.x (x86) machines
using the pre-built packages from this repository:

RHEL 5.x serie has Python 2.4.3 by default as you mentioned. Installation of
NumPy et. al is far easier in Fedora (mine is still at version 11) from the
source check-out plus manual installation of dependencies. I haven't tried
installing a Python 2.6.x to RHEL machines. I would like to see an update
from if you succeed with the mentioned repository.

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