On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Patrick Marsh <patricktma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm trying to build DMG releases of numpy-1.4.1rc3 as part of the release
> process.  I recently got my mac back from repairs and spent the weekend
> trying to get the build environment configured on it.  I thought it was
> correct, but I've got errors when building with both Python 2.5.4 and Python
> 2.6.5.  (I should add that, ironically, I have no problem building the
> Windows superpack on OS X [10.6].)  Below is the end of the output from
> running 'paver dmg -p 2.6'.  I have no idea why I'm told  I'm out of space,
> nor do I know where to begin in trying to track that down.

The no space left refers to the space allocated to the dmg file, which
is 10 Mb ATM. You could try to play with the DMG_SIZE parameter in
tools/numpy-macosx-installer/new-create-dmg script, but I would like
to know what became so big so that numpy is now > 10 Mb.

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