
> Linux has Linus, ipython has Fernando, nipy has... well, I'm sure it is
> somebody. Numpy and Scipy no longer have a central figure and I like it that
> way. There is no reason that DVCS has to inevitably lead to a central
> authority.

I think I was trying to say that the way it looks as if it will be -
before you try it - is very different from the way it actually is when
you get there.   Anne put the idea very well - but I still think it is
very hard to understand, without trying it, just how liberating the
workflow is from anxieties about central authorities and so on.    You
can just get on with what you want to do, talk with or merge from
whoever you want, and the whole development process becomes much more
fluid and productive.   And I know that sounds chaotic but - it just
works.  Really really well.

See you,

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