Thank you for the answer
i would love trying audiolab but i got this error while importing i m
running python2.6

>>> import audiolab
UserWarning: Could not import alsa backend; most probably, you did not have
alsa headers when building audiolab
>>> import scikits.audiolab
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "scikits/audiolab/", line 25, in <module>
    from pysndfile import formatinfo, sndfile
  File "scikits/audiolab/pysndfile/", line 1, in <module>
    from _sndfile import Sndfile, Format, available_file_formats,
*ImportError: No module named _sndfile*

Thank you


2010/5/27 David Cournapeau <>

> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 8:00 PM, arthur de conihout
> <> wrote:
> > #i dont really understand the %dh and the s/2.0**15 but it might be my
> > problem
> >  original = [s / 2.0**15 for s in original]
> This is done because wav file are (usually, not always) in fixed
> point, with values in the unsigned  16 bits int range (~ [-32768,
> 32768]), but when you want to do processing in floating point (as does
> numpy), you want the values normalized (in the [-1, 1] range). 2 * 15
> gives you the normalization factor. But audiolab does this for you
> automatically,
> David
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