On Friday, September 10, 2010 03:40:33 am Sebastian Haase wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> thanks for the announcement. How would you compare mahotas to scipy's
> ndimage ? Are you using ndimage in mahotas at all ?

Hi Sebastian,

In general there is little overlap (there are 1 or 2 functions which are 
replicated). I wrote mahotas mostly to get functions that I wasn't finding 
elsewhere (or, occasionally, to make them faster). Ndimage, in some ways, 
contains more basic functions, mahotas has a bit more advanced functions (at 
the cost of having a somewhat idiosyncratically chosen set of functions).

I do use ndimage in a couple of places (mostly to do convolution). So, they 
complement themselves rather than compete.

Here are a couple of differences in philosophy:

 - ndimage is *always* n-D. Mahotas is mostly n-D but some functions are 
specialised to 2-D (patches always welcome if you want to extend them).

 - mahotas is written in templated C++, ndimage is C with macros.

 - ndimage tries to be very generic in its interfaces (which makes some of 
them hard to use at first), mahotas tries to have natural interfaces.


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