Did you try larger arrays/tuples? I would guess that makes a significant

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:58 AM, EMMEL Thomas <thomas.em...@3ds.com> wrote:

>  Hi,
> There are some discussions on the speed of numpy compared to Numeric in
> this list, however I have a topic
> I don't understand in detail, maybe someone can enlighten me...
> I use python 2.6 on a SuSE installation and test this:
> #Python 2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 30 2010, 00:29:28)
> #[GCC 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]] on linux2
> #Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> import timeit
> #creation of arrays and tuples (timeit number=1000000 by default)
> timeit.Timer('a((1.,2.,3.))','from numpy import array as a').timeit()
> #8.2061841487884521
> timeit.Timer('a((1.,2.,3.))','from Numeric import array as a').timeit()
> #9.6958281993865967
> timeit.Timer('a((1.,2.,3.))','a=tuple').timeit()
> #0.13814711570739746
> #Result: tuples - of course - are much faster than arrays and numpy is a
> bit faster in creating arrays than Numeric
> #working with arrays
> timeit.Timer('d=x1-x2;sum(d*d)','from Numeric import array as a;
> x1=a((1.,2.,3.));x2=a((2.,4.,6.))').timeit()
> #3.263314962387085
> timeit.Timer('d=x1-x2;sum(d*d)','from numpy import array as a;
> x1=a((1.,2.,3.));x2=a((2.,4.,6.))').timeit()
> #9.7236979007720947
> #Result: Numeric is three times faster than numpy! Why?
> #working with components:
> timeit.Timer('d0=x1[0]-x2[0];d1=x1[1]-x2[1];d2=x1[2]-x2[2];d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2','a=tuple;
> x1=a((1.,2.,3.));x2=a((2.,4.,6.))').timeit()
> #0.64785194396972656
> timeit.Timer('d0=x1[0]-x2[0];d1=x1[1]-x2[1];d2=x1[2]-x2[2];d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2','from
> numpy import array as a; x1=a((1.,2.,3.));x2=a((2.,4.,6.))').timeit()
> #3.4181499481201172
> timeit.Timer('d0=x1[0]-x2[0];d1=x1[1]-x2[1];d2=x1[2]-x2[2];d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2','from
> Numeric import array as a; x1=a((1.,2.,3.));x2=a((2.,4.,6.))').timeit()
> #0.97426199913024902
> Result: tuples are again the fastest variant, Numeric is faster than numpy
> and both are faster than the variant above using the high-level functions!
> Why?
> For various reasons I need to use numpy in the future where I used Numeric
> before.
> Is there any better solution in numpy I missed?
> Kind regards and thanks in advance
> Thomas
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