
On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Daniel Hyams <dhy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is probably so easy, I'm embarrassed to ask it...but I've been casting
> around trying things to no avail for the last hour and a half, so here
> goes...
> I have a lot of dot products to take.  The length-3 vectors that I want to
> dot are stacked in a 2D array like this:
> U = [u1 u2 u3....]
> and
> V = [v1 v2 v3....]
> So both of these arrays, are, say, 3x100 each.  I just want to take the dot
> product of each of the corresponding vectors, so that the result is
> [u1.v1 u2.v2  u3.v3 ....]
> which would be a 1x100 array in this case.
> Which function do I need to use?  I thought tensordot() was the one, but I
> couldn't make it work....pure user error I'm sure.
No function needed for this case, just:
In []: x= rand(3, 7)
In []: y= rand(3, 7)
In []: d= (x* y).sum(0)
In [490]: d
array([ 1.25404683,  0.19113117,  1.37267133,  0.74219888,  1.55296562,
        0.15264303,  0.72039922])
In [493]: dot(x[:, 0].T, y[:, 0])
Out[493]: 1.2540468282421895


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