On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Mark Wiebe <mwwi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> NumPy has a mechanism built in to allow subclasses to adjust or override
> aspects of the ufunc behavior. While this goal is important, this mechanism
> only allows for very limited customization, making for instance the masked
> arrays unable to work with the native ufuncs in a full and proper way. I
> would like to deprecate the current mechanism, in particular
> __array_prepare__ and __array_wrap__, and introduce a new method I will
> describe below. If you've ever used these mechanisms, please review this
> design to see if it meets your needs.
The current approach is at a dead end, so something better needs to be done.

> Any class type which would like to override its behavior in ufuncs would
> define a method called _numpy_ufunc_, and optionally an attribute
> __array_priority__ as can already be done. The class which wins the priority
> battle gets its _numpy_ufunc_ function called as follows:
> return arr._numpy_ufunc_(current_ufunc, *args, **kwargs)
> To support this overloading, the ufunc would get a new support method,
> result_type, and there would be a new global function, broadcast_empty_like.
> The function ufunc.empty_like behaves like the global np.result_type, but
> produces the output type or a tuple of output types specific to the ufunc,
> which may follow a different convention than regular arithmetic type
> promotion. This allows for a class to create an output array of the correct
> type to pass to the ufunc if it needs to be different than the default.
> The function broadcast_empty_like is just like empty_like, but takes a list
> or tuple of arrays which are to be broadcast together for producing the
> output, instead of just one.
How does the ufunc get called so it doesn't get caught in an endless loop? I
like the proposed method if it can also be used for classes that don't
subclass ndarray. Masked array, for instance, should probably not subclass

> Thanks,
> Mark
> A simple class which overrides the ufuncs might look as follows:
> def sin(ufunc, *args, **kwargs):
>     # Convert degrees to radians
>     args[0] = np.deg2rad(args[0])
>     # Return a regular array, since the result is not in degrees
>     return ufunc(*args, **kwargs)
> class MyDegreesClass:
>     """Array-like object with a degrees unit"""
>     def __init__(arr):
>         self.arr = arr
>     def _numpy_ufunc_(ufunc, *args, **kwargs):
>         override = globals().get(ufunc.name)
>         if override:
>             return override(ufunc, *args, **kwargs)
>         else:
>             raise TypeError, 'ufunc %s incompatible with MyDegreesClass' %
> ufunc.name
> A more complex example will be something like this:
> def my_general_ufunc(ufunc, *args, **kwargs):
>     # Extract the 'out' argument. This only supports ufuncs with
>     # one output, currently.
>     out = kwargs.get('out')
>     if len(args) > ufunc.nin:
>         if out is None:
>             out = args[ufunc.nin]
>         else:
>             raise ValueError, "'out' given as both a position and keyword
> argument"
>     # Just want the inputs from here on
>     args = args[:ufunc.nin]
>     # Strip out MyArrayClass, but allow operations with regular ndarrays
>     raw_in = []
>     for a in args:
>         if isinstance(a, MyArrayClass):
>             raw_in.append(a.arr)
>         else:
>             raw_in.append(a)
>     # Allocate the output array
>     if not out is None:
>         if isinstance(out, MyArrayClass):
>             raise TypeError, "'out' must have type MyArrayClass"
>     else:
>         # Create the output array, obeying the 'order' parameter,
>         # but disallowing subclasses
>         out = np.broadcast_empty_like([args,
>                                 order=kwargs.get('order'),
>                                 dtype=ufunc.result_type(args),
>                                 subok=False)
>     # Override the output argument
>     kwargs['out'] = out.arr
>     # Call the ufunc
>     ufunc(*args, **kwargs)
>     # Return the output
>     return out
> class MyArrayClass:
>     def __init__(arr):
>         self.arr = arr
>     def _numpy_ufunc_(ufunc, *args, **kwargs):
>         override = globals().get(ufunc.name)
>         if override:
>             return override(ufunc, *args, **kwargs)
>         else:
>             return my_general_ufunc(ufunc, *args, **kwargs)
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