On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Sturla Molden <stu...@molden.no> wrote:
> Den 01.07.2011 19:22, skrev Charles R Harris:
>> Just curious as to what folks know about the current status of the
>> free windows 64 bit compilers. I know things were dicey with gcc and
>> gfortran some two years ago, but... well, two years have passed. This
> Windows 7 SDK is free (as in beer). It is the C compiler used to build
> Python on Windows 64. Here is the download:
> http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=3138
> A newer version of the Windows SDK will use a C compiler that links with
> a different CRT than Python uses. Use version 3.5. When using this
> compiler, remember to set the environment variable DISTUTILS_USE_SDK.
> This should be sufficient to build NumPy. AFAIK only SciPy requires a
> Fortran compiler.
> Mingw is still not stabile on Windows 64. There are supposedly
> compatibility issues between the MinGW runtime used by libgfortran and
> Python's CRT.  While there are experimental MinGW builds for Windows 64
> (e.g. TDM-GCC), we will probably need to build libgfortran against
> another C runtime for SciPy. A commercial Fortran compiler compatible
> with MSVC is recommended for SciPy, e.g. Intel, Absoft or Portland.
> Sturla

So it sounds like we're getting closer to having official NumPy 1.6.x
binaries for 64 bit Windows (using the Windows 7 SDK), but not quite
there yet? What is the roadblock? I would guess from the comments
on Christoph Gohlke's page the issue is having something that will
work with SciPy... see http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/

I'm interested from the point of view of third party libraries using
NumPy, where we have had users asking for 64bit installers. We
need an official NumPy installer to build against.


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