On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Charles R Harris
<charlesr.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Numpy already has a general mechanism for defining new dtypes and
>> slotting them in so that they're supported by ndarrays, by the casting
>> machinery, by ufuncs, and so on. In principle, we could implement
> Well, actually not in any useful sense, take a look at what Mark went
> through for the half floats. There is a reason the NEP went with
> parametrized dtypes and masks. But we would sure welcome a plan and code to
> make it true, it is one of the areas that could really use improvement.

Err, yes, that's basically what the next few sentences say?

This is basically a draft spec for implementing the parametrized dtypes idea.

-- Nathaniel
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