Interesting you bring this up.   I actually have a working prototype of using 
Python to emit LLVM.   I will be showing it at the HPC tutorial that I am 
giving at PyCon.    I will be making this available after PyCon to a wider 
audience as open source.  

It uses llvm-py (modified to work with LLVM 3.0) and code I wrote to do the 
translation from Python byte-code to LLVM.   This LLVM can then be "JIT"ed.   I 
have several applications that I would like to use this for.   It would be 
possible to write "more of NumPy" using this approach.     Initially, it makes 
it *very* easy to create a machine-code ufunc from Python code.   There are 
other use-cases of having loops written in Python and plugged in to a 
calculation, filtering, or indexing framework that this system will be useful 

There is still a need for a core data-type object, a core array object, and a 
core calculation object.   Maybe some-day these cores can be shrunk to a 
smaller subset and more of something along the lines of LLVM generation from 
Python can be used.   But, there is a lot of work to do before that is 
possible.    But, a lot of the currently pre-compiled loops can be done on the 
fly instead using this approach.    There are several things I'm working on in 
that direction. 

This is not PyPy.   It certainly uses the same ideas that they are using, but 
instead it fits into the CPython run-time and doesn't require changing the 
whole ecosystem.     If you are interested in this work let me know.  I think 
I'm going to call the project numpy-llvm, or fast-py, or something like that.   
It is available on github and will be open source (but it's still under active 

Here is an example of the code to create a ufunc using the system (this is like 
vectorize, but it creates machine code and by-passes the interpreter and so is 
100x faster).  

from math import sin, pi

def sinc(x):
    if x==0:
        return 1.0
        return sin(x*pi)/(pi*x)

from translate import Translate
t = Translate(sinc)
print t.mod

res = t.make_ufunc('sinc')


On Feb 20, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Sturla Molden wrote:

> Den 20.02.2012 17:42, skrev Sturla Molden:
>> There are still other options than C or C++ that are worth considering.
>> One would be to write NumPy in Python. E.g. we could use LLVM as a
>> JIT-compiler and produce the performance critical code we need on the fly.
> LLVM and its C/C++ frontend Clang are BSD licenced. It compiles faster 
> than GCC and often produces better machine code. They can therefore be 
> used inside an array library. It would give a faster NumPy, and we could 
> keep most of it in Python.
> Sturla
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