Le 23/02/2012 12:40, Francesc Alted a écrit :
>> However, I was surprised that float128 is not mentioned in the array of
>> > available types in the user guide.
>> > http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.types.html
>> > Is there a specific reason for this absence, or is just about visiting
>> > the documentation wiki ;-) ?
> The reason is most probably that you cannot get a float96 or float128 
> whenever you want (depends on your architecture), so adding these types to 
> the manual could be misleading.  However, I'd advocate to document them while 
> warning about platform portability issues
>> Does the following statements mean that those types are not available on
>> > all platforms ?
>> > float96     96 bits, platform?      
>> > float128     128 bits, platform?
> Exactly.  I'd update this to read:
> float96    96 bits.  Only available on 32-bit (i386) platforms.
> float128  128 bits.  Only available on 64-bit (AMD64) platforms.
Thanks for the enlightenment !
I was not aware of this 96 bits <-> 128 bits relationship.

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