During the original discussion, Gael pointed out that the changes would 
probably break some code (which might need to be cleaned up but still).   I 
think it was underestimated how quickly people would upgrade and see the 
changes and therefore be able to report problems.  

We are talking about a 1.7 release, but there are still people who have not 
upgraded their code to use 1.6 (when some of the big changes occurred).   

This should probably guide our view of how long it takes to migrate behavior in 
NumPy and minimize migration difficulties for users. 


On Jun 5, 2012, at 2:01 PM, Zachary Pincus wrote:

>>> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Zachary Pincus <zachary.pin...@yale.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> There is a fine line here. We do need to make people clean up lax code
>>>>> in order to improve numpy, but hopefully we can keep the cleanups
>>>>> reasonable.
>>>> Oh agreed. Somehow, though, I was surprised by this, even though I keep
>>>> tabs on the numpy lists -- at no point did it become clear that "big 
>>>> changes
>>>> in how arrays get constructed and typecast are ahead that may require code
>>>> fixes". That was my main point, but probably a PEBCAK issue more than
>>>> anything.
>>> It was fairly extensively discussed when introduced,
>>> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.numeric.general/44206, and again
>>> at some later point.
>> Those are the not-yet-finalized changes in 1.7; Zachary (I think) is
>> talking about problems upgrading from ~1.5 to 1.6.
> Yes, unless I'm wrong I experienced these problems from 1.5.something to 
> 1.6.1. I didn't take notes as it was in the middle of a deadline-crunch so I 
> just fixed the code and moved on (long, stupid story about why the upgrade 
> before a deadline...). It's just that the issues mentioned above seem to have 
> hit me too and I wanted to mention that. But unhelpfully, I think, without 
> code, and now I've hijacked this thread! Sorry.
> Zach
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