On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 11:55 AM, bob tnur <bobtnu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> how I can convert (by adding zero) of any non-square numpy matrix in to
> square matrix using numpy? then how to find the minimum number in each row
> except the zeros added(for making square matrix)? ;)
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Hi Bob,

I'm not quite sure what you're looking for (esp. the second question), but
maybe something like the following?

#~~~ example code
import numpy as np

nonsquare = np.random.random(size=(3, 5))

M, N = nonsquare.shape
width = max(M, N)
square = np.zeros((width, width))
square[:M, :N] = nonsquare

min_rows = np.min(nonsquare, axis=1)

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