On 7/2/2012 7:17 PM, Casey W. Stark wrote:
Hi numpy.

Does anyone know if f2py supports allocatable arrays, allocated inside fortran subroutines? The old f2py docs seem to indicate that the allocatable array must be created with numpy, and dropped in the module. Here's more background to explain...

I have a fortran subroutine that returns allocatable positions and velocities arrays. I wish I could get rid of the allocatable part, but you don't know how many particles it will create until the subroutine does some work (it checks if each particle it perturbs ends up in the domain).

module zp
  implicit none
  subroutine ics(..., num_particles, particle_mass, positions, velocities)
    use data_types, only : dp
    implicit none
    ... inputs ...
    integer, intent(out) :: num_particles
    real (kind=dp), intent(out) :: particle_mass
real (kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: positions, velocities
  end subroutine
end module

I tested this with a fortran driver program and it looks good, but when I try with f2py, it cannot compile. It throws the error "Error: Actual argument for 'positions' must be ALLOCATABLE at (1)". I figure this has something to do with the auto-generated "*-f2pywrappers2.f90" file, but the build deletes the file.

If anyone knows an f2py friendly way to rework this, I would be happy to try. I'm also fine with using ctypes if it can handle this case.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

... not sure what version of numpy you are using but it can be done with the f2py included with numpy 1.6.x. Here is a (hopefully intelligible) code fragment from a working application:

module Grid_
! a representation of a two-dimensional, rectangular, (image) sensor grid ! -- this component is used in the "smoothing" portion of the Thematic MaP solution algorithm (smoothness prior probabilities)

   use runtime_
   implicit none
integer, private, parameter :: begin_ = 1, end_ = 2, row_ = 1, column_ = 2 integer, private, dimension(begin_:end_) :: rows__ = (/0,0/), columns__ = (/0,0/) ! grid rows and columns extent
   integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:)         :: pixel_neighbors
! the neighbors of a specified pixel -- ((row,column), ..., (row,column)) ! + this array is managed (allocated, deallocated, populated) by the neighbors_of() procedure ! + when allocated, the first dimension is always 2 -- pixel (row,column) ! + it would be preferable for this array to be the return result, of procedure neighbors_of(), ! but F2PY does not seem to support an allocatable array as a function result



      function neighbors_of (pixel) result(completed)
         ! determines all second-order (grid) neighbors of *pixel*
         !    -- returns .true. if successful
! -- use the error_diagnostic() procedure if .false. is returned ! -- upon successful completion of this procedure, Grid_.pixel_neighbors contains the neighbors of *pixel* ! -- *pixel* may not be on the grid; in this case, Grid_.pixel_neighbors is not allocated and .false. is returned ! integer, dimension(row_:column_), intent(in) :: pixel ! pixel to be considered ... f2py does not support this integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: pixel ! pixel under consideration (row,column)
         logical                           :: completed
! integer, dimension(begin_:end_) :: neighbor_rows, neighbor_columns ... f2py does not support this ! integer, dimension(row_:column_) :: neighbor ... f2py does not support this integer, dimension(2) :: neighbor_rows, neighbor_columns ! each is: (begin,end)
         integer, dimension(2)             :: neighbor ! (row,column)
         integer                           :: row, column, code, count
         character (len=100)               :: diagnostic
         completed = .false.
         count     = 0 ! *pixel* has no neighbors
         if (allocated (pixel_neighbors)) deallocate (pixel_neighbors)
         if (is_interior (pixel)) then
count = 8 ! interior pixels have eight, second-order neighbors
            neighbor_rows    (begin_) = pixel(row_)-1
            neighbor_rows    (end_)   = pixel(row_)+1
            neighbor_columns (begin_) = pixel(column_)-1
            neighbor_columns (end_)   = pixel(column_)+1
         else if (is_border (pixel)) then
count = 5 ! non-corner, border pixels have five, second-order neighbors, but ... if (is_corner (pixel)) count = 3 ! corner pixels have three, second-order neighbors
            neighbor_rows    (begin_) = max (pixel(row_)-1, rows__(begin_))
            neighbor_rows    (end_)   = min (pixel(row_)+1, rows__(end_))
neighbor_columns (begin_) = max (pixel(column_)-1, columns__(begin_)) neighbor_columns (end_) = min (pixel(column_)+1, columns__(end_))
            end if
         if (count > 0) then
allocate (pixel_neighbors(row_:column_,count), stat=code, errmsg=diagnostic)
               if (code /= 0) then
                  call set_error (code,diagnostic)
                  end if
            count = 0
            do row = neighbor_rows(begin_), neighbor_rows(end_)
               do column = neighbor_columns(begin_), neighbor_columns(end_)
                  neighbor(row_) = row;  neighbor(column_) = column
if (neighbor(row_) == pixel(row_) .and. neighbor(column_) == pixel(column_)) cycle ! neighbor is pixel
                  count = count + 1;   pixel_neighbors(:,count) = neighbor
                  end do ! columns
               end do ! rows
            completed = .true.
            end if
         end function neighbors_of

   end module Grid_

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