
On Mo, 2012-08-20 at 20:55 +1000, Andrew Nelson wrote:
> Dear list,
> I observe a difference when I try to load a 2D numpy array from a file
> object compared to if I supply a filename viz:
> >>> np.version.version
> '1.5.1'
> >>> f=open('fit_theoretical.txt')
> >>> a=np.loadtxt(f)
> >>> a.shape
> (1000,)
> >>> a=np.loadtxt('fit_theoretical.txt')
> >>> a.shape
> (500, 2)

There is actually a difference between the two, because np.loadtxt opens
the file with open(..., 'U'), which means that newlines might be
interpreted differently (because of difference between linux/windows/mac
newlines using \n, \r, etc. So the problem is that newlines are
interpreted wrong for you if you open with just the default mode.


> This strikes me as unexpected, it's not a documented behaviour. Any
> ideas?
> cheers,
> Andrew.
> -- 
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