On 01/04/2013 12:39 AM, Andrew Collette wrote:
>> Consensus in that bug report seems to be that for array/scalar operations 
>> like:
>>    np.array([1], dtype=np.int8) + 1000 # can't be represented as an int8!
>> we should raise an error, rather than either silently upcasting the
>> result (as in 1.6 and 1.7) or silently downcasting the scalar (as in
>> 1.5 and earlier).
> I have run into this a few times as a NumPy user, and I just wanted to
> comment that (in my opinion), having this case generate an error is
> the worst of both worlds.  The reason people can't decide between
> rollover and promotion is because neither is objectively better.  One

If neither is objectively better, I think that is a very good reason to 
kick it down to the user. "Explicit is better than implicit".

> avoids memory inflation, and the other avoids losing precision.  You
> just need to pick one and document it.  Kicking the can down the road
> to the user, and making him/her explicitly test for this condition, is
> not a very good solution.

It's a good solution to encourage bug-free code. It may not be a good 
solution to avoid typing.

> What does this mean in practical terms for NumPy users?  I personally
> don't relish the choice of always using numpy.add, or always wrapping
> my additions in checks for ValueError.

I think you usually have a bug in your program when this happens, since 
either the dtype is wrong, or the value one is trying to store is wrong. 
I know that's true for myself, though I don't claim to know everybody 
elses usecases.

Dag Sverre
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