On 2013-01-10 17:16, Jaakko Luttinen wrote:
> On 01/10/2013 05:04 PM, Pauli Virtanen wrote:
>> Jaakko Luttinen <jaakko.luttinen <at> aalto.fi> writes:
>>> The files in numpy/doc/sphinxext/ and numpydoc/ (from PyPI) are a bit
>>> different. Which ones should be modified?
>> The stuff in sphinxext/ is the development version of the package on
>> PyPi, so the changes should be made in sphinxext/
> Thanks!
> I'm trying to run the tests with Python 2 using nosetests, but I get
> some errors http://pastebin.com/Mp9i8T2f . Am I doing something wrong?
> How should I run the tests?
> If I run nosetests on the numpydoc folder from PyPI, all the tests are
> successful.

I'm a bit stuck trying to make numpydoc Python 3 compatible. I made 
setup.py try to use distutils.command.build_py.build_py_2to3 in order to 
transform installed code automatically to Python 3. However, the tests 
(in tests folder) are not part of the package but rather package_data, 
so they won't get transformed. How can I automatically transform the 
tests too? Probably there is some easy and "right" solution to this, but 
I haven't been able to figure out a nice and simple solution.. Any 
ideas? Thanks.

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