On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Charles R Harris <
charlesr.har...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It would be good to get the utc-everywhere fix for datetime64 in there if
>>> someone has time to look into it.
>>> +1
>> I've been on vacation, so haven't written up the various notes and
>> comments as a NEP  yet -- I'll try to do that soon. There are some larger
>> proposals in the mix, which I doubt could be done by 1.8, but we really
>> should fix the "utc-everywhere" issue ASAP. I think it will be pretty easy
>> to do, but someone still needs to do it...
> Is there a issue for this?
no -- I don't think so -- just a bunch of discussion on the list. I was
starting down the path of a "proper" NEP, etc, but I think that:

a) Datetime64 is still "officially" experimental, so we can change things
more rapidly than we might otherwise.

b) It's really pretty broken as it is.

I'll see if I can open an issue for the "easy" fix.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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