On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Arink Verma <arinkve...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Nathaniel
> It's a probabilistic sampling profiler, so if it doesn't have enough
>> samples then it can miss things. 227 samples is way way too low. You need
>> to run the profiled code for longer (a few seconds at least), and if that's
>> not enough then maybe increase the sampling rate too (though be careful
>> because setting this too high can also add noise).
> I ran code '1000000000' times, which record 229115 samples. Callgraph[1]
> generated is converging to *PyArray_DESCR*, and rest are unconnected.

Not sure what you are profiling. The PyArray_DESCR call just returns a
pointer to the descr contained in an ndarray instance, so probably has
little relevance here.

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