"Jaime Fernández del Río" <jaime.f...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>I recently came up with a way of vectorizing some recursive sequence
>calculations. While it works, I am afraid it is relying on
>details potentially subject to change. The basic idea is illustrated by
>this function, calculating the first n items of the Fibonacci sequence:
>def fibonacci(n):
>    fib = np.empty(n, dtype=np.intp)
>    fib[:2] = 1
>    np.add(fib[:-2], fib[1:-1], out=fib[2:])
>    return fib
>>>> fibonacci(10)
>array([ 1,  1,  2,  3,  5,  8, 13, 21, 34, 55], dtype=int64)
>I believe that the biggest issue that could break this is if the ufunc
>decided to buffer the arrays, as this is relying on the inputs and
>of np.add sharing the same memory.
>You can use the same idea to do more complicated things, for instance
>calculate the items of the sequence:
>f[0] = a[0]
>f[n] = a[n] + x * f[n-1]
>from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
>from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d
>def f(a, x):
>    out = np.array(a, copy=True, dtype=np.double)
>    n = len(a)
>    out_view = as_strided(out, shape=(n-1, 2), strides=out.strides*2)
>    inner1d(out_view, [x, 1], out=out[1:])
>    return out
>>>> f(np.arange(10), 0.1)
>array([ 0.        ,  1.        ,  2.1       ,  3.21      ,  4.321     ,
>       5.4321    ,  6.54321   ,  7.654321  ,  8.7654321 ,  9.87654321])
>Again, I think  buffering is the clearest danger of doing something
>this, as the first input and output must share the same memory for this
>work. That this is a real concern is easy to see: since `inner1d` only
>loops registered for long ints and double floats:
>>>> inner1d.types
>['ll->l', 'dd->d']
>the above function `f` doesn't work if the `out` array is created, e.g.
>np.float32, since there will be buffering happening because of the type
>So I have two questions:
>1. Is there some other reason, aside from buffering, that could go
>or change in a future release?
>2. As far as buffering is concerned, I thought of calling
>before any of these functions, but it complains and requests that the
>be a multiple of 16. Is there any other way to ensure that the data is
>fetched from an updated array in every internal iteration?
>( O.o)
>( > <) Este es Conejo. Copia a Conejo en tu firma y ayúdale en sus
>de dominación mundial.
>NumPy-Discussion mailing list


If you're recursive computation is always linear, like Fibonacci, your usecase 
falls in the scope of scipy.signal.lfilter which is compiled code based.

For your last example, I think parameters would be : numerator b = [1] and 
denominator a=[1 -x]
(can't check the code on my cell phone sorry)

Pierre Haessig
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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