Scipy doesn't have a function for the Laplace transform, it has only a
> Laplace distribution in scipy.stats and a Laplace filter in scipy.ndimage.
> An inverse Laplace transform would be very welcome I'd think - it has real
> world applications, and there's no good implementation in any open source
> library as far as I can tell. It's probably doable, but not the easiest
> topic for a GSoC I think. From what I can find, the paper "Numerical
> Transform Inversion Using Gaussian Quadrature" from den Iseger contains
> what's considered the current state of the art algorithm. Browsing that
> gives a reasonable idea of the difficulty of implementing `ilaplace`.

A brief scanning through the paper "Numerical Transform Inversion Using
Gaussian Quadrature" from den Iseger does indicate the complexity of the
algorithm. But GSoC project or not, can't we work on it, step by step? As I
would love to see a contender for Matlab's ilaplace on open source front!!

> You can have a look at for
> ideas. Most of the things that need improving or we really think we should
> have in Scipy are listed there. Possible topics are not restricted to that
> list though - it's more important that you pick something you're interested
> in and have the required background and coding skills for.

Thanks a lot for the roadmap. Of the options provided, I found the
'Cython'ization of Cluster great. Would it be possible to do it as the
Summer project if I spend the month learning Cython?


> Cheers,
> Ralf
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