2014-03-27 14:55 GMT+01:00  <josef.p...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Olivier Grisel
> <olivier.gri...@ensta.org> wrote:
>> My understanding of Carl's effort is that the long term goal is to
>> have official windows whl packages for both numpy and scipy published
>> on PyPI with a builtin BLAS / LAPACK implementation so that users can
>> do `pip install scipy` under windows and get something that just works
>> without have to install any compiler (fortran or C) nor any additional
>> library manually.
>> Most windows users are beginners and you cannot really expect them to
>> understand how to build the whole scipy stack from source.
>> The current solution (executable setup installers) is not optimal as
>> it requires Administrator rights to run, does not resolve dependencies
>> as pip does and cannot be installed in virtualenvs.
> as small related point:
> The official installers can be used to install in virtualenv
> The way I do it:
> Run the superpack, official installer, wait until it extracts the
> correct (SSE) install exe, then cancel
> Then easy_install the install exe file that has been extracted to the
> temp folder into the virtualenv.
> I don't remember if the extraction already requires admin rights, but
> I think not.
> easy_install doesn't require any, IIRC.

Hackish but interesting. Maybe the extraction can be done with generic
tools like winzip?

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