On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Siegfried Gonzi
<siegfried.go...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi all
> I know this is not numpy related but a colleague insists the following
> is supposed to work. But it doesn't:
> ==
> line_left = './erfo/restart.ST010.EN0001-EN0090.YYYYMMDDhh'
> enafix = 'ST000.EN0001-EN0092'
> line_left = line_left.replace('STYYY.ENXXXX-ENXXXX', enafix)
> print 'line_left',line_left
> ==
> [right answer would be: ./erfo/restart.ST000.EN0001-EN0092.YYYYMMDDhh' ]
> I think it works in Fortran but not in Python. What would be the easiest
> way to replacing this kind of pattern in a variable lenght string?

Your colleague is incorrect. There is nothing in Python that would
take a pattern like that (with Xs and Ys as the wildcards) and do a
replacement. The `str.replace()` method only does exact replacements.


You need to use regular expressions here.


import re

line_left = './erfo/restart.ST010.EN0001-EN0090.YYYYMMDDhh'
enafix = 'ST000.EN0001-EN0092'
line_left = re.sub(r'ST\d\d\d\.EN\d\d\d\d-EN\d\d\d\d',
print 'line_left',line_left

I will leave the reading about constructing correct regular
expressions to you, but if you try my example code, please note that
every character is precisely important.

Robert Kern
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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